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4 Tips for Better Corporate Social Responsibility and a better brand image

4 Tips for Better Corporate Social Responsibility and a better brand image

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, "The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service".

Corporate Social Responsibility is a commitment by an organization to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of society at large.

A CSR Branding survey conducted in the U.S in Feb this year revealed that 55% of the customers surveyed were more likely to choose a product that supports a certain cause when choosing between otherwise similar products.

75% of those surveyed who read about a company’s social responsibility agenda on its website said that it made them more likely to purchase products or services from that company.

What does this mean for your business? It means that your company stands a lot to gain by supporting social causes! Furthermore, due to a social media culture that is transparent, companies that give back receive accolades and new business. And brands behaving irresponsibly are condemned in online communities like Twitter and Facebook followed by the mainstream press.

To start benefiting from giving back, follow these 4 simple steps.

1. Pledge A CSR strategy should begin with a strong commitment from the CEO. The CEO’s vision should be shared through social media channels so supporters are aware of the brand’s initiatives.

2. Choose the right cause Address the most pressing issues of the communities around you. Employees that live and work in the community know the areas of greatest need. Many companies provide assistance to neighborhood programs by providing books to libraries or contributing to blood donation programs, and reap the community rewards. This work will strengthen both the community and the brand.

3. Innovate Some companies use social media to encourage innovative ways to help others. Earlier this year, Meg Garlinghouse, Senior Director of Yahoo For Good wrapped up a successful campaign called Random Acts of Kindness. Users and Yahoo employees were asked to update their status with stories about helping others, which were then shared across the Yahoo network. The CSR campaign received over 300,000 status updates and global participation from 11 countries.

4. Spread the message Talk about the social causes you support. Use social channels to tweet, blog and post updates about CSR initiatives. Make it a key topic at board meetings, press briefings, and broadcast it through all marketing channels. Communicate CSR positions on your website to encourage customers to get involved. Ask partner charities to link back to your company website. It’s a free way for these organizations to thank a key partner. These same links can also drive additional traffic to your site.

So, what are you waiting for? Get involved with a cause right now! September is Adult Literacy month and you can customize awareness bracelets (as low as $ .39 per piece) to promote the importance of education. You can also support the cause of being environmentally-friendly through our range of Eco friendly promotional products. In fact, you can use any of our diverse promotional products to promote the cause of your choice.

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