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Promo Ideas

Unique tips on promotional marketing and brand management topics that will help you promote and endorse your brand in an dffective way.

Effective Traditional Advertising for Your Business

Effective Traditional Advertising for Your Business

We may be living in the advanced era of the Internet but that shouldn’t prevent entrepreneurs from considering traditional advertising methods to reach their target audience. These forms of advertising are more regulated and offer measurable results in terms of outreach. But you should be careful what kind of traditional advertising you opt for. For example, advertising on TV or radio can be very expensive and lasts only for a few seconds. So here are three effective ways of traditional advertising that will help you to establish your brand identity and enhance sales:

1. Outdoor Outdoor advertising methods allow you to place your brand messages at strategic places where potential customers can see them on a daily basis. You could place ads on buses, benches, hoardings, taxis and benches. You can launch, re-launch or build a brand image for sustained brand awareness using outdoor advertising methods.

2. Promotions This method includes getting your logo or message imprinted on giveaways such as quality promotional mugs, pens, and caps. You can have them distributed at tradeshows, fundraising events and conferences. This form of advertising also includes sending coupons, fliers and direct mails. You will be able to establish customer loyalty as customers are more likely to purchase products from you again.

3. Print advertising People find newspapers, magazines and booklets engaging to read and that is the reason print advertising is one of the popular forms of advertising even today. The costs of print advertising vary greatly and it depends on publications, circulations, insertions and quantities.

The best way to reach out to every corner of your target demographic market is to utilize these channels to ensure steady flow of revenue and new customers.

About Author:

Jayden Samuelson is an online marketing expert and a regular contributor to Promo Direct. He likes reading articles on online marketing industry and has been a part of discussions on many boards and forums. Jayden Samuelson can be followed on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

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