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10 Award And Trophy Gift Ideas For Your Employees

10 Award And Trophy Gift Ideas For Your Employees

Awards play a major role in recognizing employees for their dedication and hard work. Companies across the USA – whether big or small – put aside a portion of their marketing budget to spend on awards. Why do they do so? The answer is simple – the positive publicity achieved with awards is second to none!

At Promo Direct, a good percentage of our customers rely on our range of awards. They organize monthly or yearly award ceremonies just to hand out these beautiful trophies! The award strategy is two-prong – it gives quality visibility to the brand when employees take the trophies home. At the same time, employees feel motivated to work harder.

Go through the items below and use them to show appreciation to employees. All these products are economically priced. The trophies come with individual boxes to make the occasion even more special.

1.  Venus Art Glass Award: This award has hues of blue, white and green to give a look that is captivating. It is an artistic masterpiece.

2.  Diamond Ice: This award offers a stunning look from all angles! This product is available in clear, blue and jade colors.

3.  Enterprise Octagon Award: This timeless masterpiece will do a good job of highlighting your logo. Made of acrylic material, this product is a beauty!

4.  Enterprise Curve Award: The curves on this trophy will captivate the imagination of your employees! This acrylic-based trophy is modern looking and will serve as a great addition to your brand campaign.

5.  Promotional Cube Award: This product has sharp cut angles that add vibrancy and reflect light in a captivating manner. It can also serve as a paperweight.

6.  Orb Art Glass Award: A beautiful design combines with enchanting color to create a stunning award. Choose white color for your imprint and it will represent your brand in the best manner possible.

7.  Purple Teardrop Award: This award is represented as royal purple teardrops that are surrounded by crystal clear glass.

8.  Corinth Art Glass Paper Weight Award: This award comes with a flat edge section so it can be placed upright or down flat. This product features silver flecks and colorful bursts to make a unique recognition statement

9.  Tempo Clock: We know this product isn’t a trophy but it sure does look like one! This beautiful clock displays the day, time and temperature! Count on the attractive look of these clocks for a memorable marketing campaign.

10.  Magnetic Certificate Holder: The products featured in this list so far comprised elegant awards. It is now time to showcase a certificate holder. Whenever you decide to give away certificates, give a thought to this holder as well! It features beveled black acrylic backing along with a beveled clear acrylic top piece.

Happy shopping! We hope you are able to choose an award that best captures your branding requirements.

About Author:

Jayden Samuelson is an online marketing expert and a regular contributor to Promo Direct. He likes reading articles on online marketing industry and has been a part of discussions on many boards and forums. Jayden Samuelson can be followed on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

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