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Promo Ideas

Unique tips on promotional marketing and brand management topics that will help you promote and endorse your brand in an dffective way.

Labor Day - Your Chance To Appreciate Your Employees With Promo Items

Labor Day - Your Chance To Appreciate Your Employees With Promo Items

They work for you and keep the “ka-ching” going all year long. There’s one opportunity in the year when you can thank your employees for their contribution, and that’s Labor Day. Your brand entity grows by leaps and bounds when you promote it not just to potential or existing customers, but by giving out promotional items to your employees you show the human, caring side of your company.

Labor Day marks the end of summer and as it is celebrated on the first Monday of September, the long weekend gives people a chance to head outdoors to enjoy the last bit of summer along with friends and family. Here are a few ideas to get your promotion going:
  • For those poolside and beach picnics, backyard barbecue parties, and camping trips, choose your promotional products from a range of beach towels, beach balls, coolers, chairs, or umbrellas to put your logo on.
  • Your employees will love receiving promotional sunscreen lotions, lip balms, hand sanitizers, as personalized giveaways.
  • Bags, totes, blankets, mats, table covers, customized t-shirts and caps are ideal to put your logo or your message on as they provide adequate area for this and have a lower cost-per-impression.
  • For the golf fanatics personalized golf accessories with your logo on them will be highly appreciated.
  • Don’t forget the kids’ parties! They’ll all be talking about and loving your gifts - crayons, pencils, chocolates, cookies, candy mints, and toys that you give away.
  • Keep it formal and keep it simple - choose from corporate gifts like promotional pens, clocks, picture frames, flashlights, tools and accessories.
Ideas abound! Just set your heart to it and start shopping at Promo Direct for Labor Day Weekends.

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