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Unique tips on promotional marketing and brand management topics that will help you promote and endorse your brand in an dffective way.

Popular Holidays and Observances in USA April 2017

Popular Holidays and Observances in USA April 2017

Date Published: March 20, 2017


Holidays and observances are a great opportunity for businesses to launch a memorable marketing campaign. The following infographic outlines some important holidays coming up in April. Use it to plan your marketing initiatives and make your brand a winner!

Holiday and Observances in USA January 2017 Promo Direct LinkedIn Call Now Promo Direct - Twitter Promo Direct - Facebook Business Marketing Blog Promotional Products Store recycled notebook Kan Cooler event pack Shoe bag Flexible Key Tags (USA Flag) Pill box Promo Direct Twitter Promo Direct Facebook Promo Direct Blog ribbon tote ladies t-shirt LED wrist band Waterproof First Aid Kit munch it clip ot and cols gel pack Promo Direct stress reliever

    1. April Fool’s Day: Add some fun to your marketing campaign by giving away the ‘Feel Great Talking Stress Reliever’!

    2. National Golf Day: Distribute Golf Shoe Bags to loyal clients and make your brand a part of their golfing days.

    3. Earth day: This Earth Day, hand out the Eco friendly promotional products to customers and inspire them to become more environment-friendly.

    4. Easter Spread the cheer of Easter and your brand’s message by handing out the Collapsible Kan Cooler Event Packs to your target audience!

    5. National Public Health Week: Show your target audience that you care about their health with the StaySafe Waterproof First Aid Kit!

    6. Cancer Control Month Raise awareness about cancer and inspire people to lead a healthy lifestyle by passing out the Ribbon Tote at awareness campaigns!

    7. Stress Awareness Month Help customers and employees relax and ease away stress with the Tangle® Matrix Stress Reliever!

    8. National Oral Health Month Highlight the importance of oral health by distributing Munch-It Clips to your patients or business associates!

Explore a wide range of April promotional products at These products will provide you the best outcome from your marketing campaign.

About Author

Gary Taylr is a marketing consultant and works with the creative team at Promo Direct to boost sales. He is a regular participant in discussions related to business and marketing. He loves exchanging ideas and connecting with like-minded people. Gary can be followed on Google+ and Twitter.

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