Why Are Promotional T-shirts Popular As Giveaways?

Not many people are aware that t-shirts evolved from undergarments that were used in the 19th century! The first people to regularly wear t-shirts were miners and dockworkers. T-shirts were used as convenient clothing by people who worked in stressful environments that needed a lot of physical exertion.

Over the years, t-shirts grew in popularity. Millions of people around the world began to understand the importance of t-shirts as a fashionable and comfortable mode of clothing. T-shirts were given a great push when major clothing brands launched them in different color and size variations. They were here to stay!

Among the many avatars taken up by t-shirts is that of a marketing tool. Many brands realize the worthiness of using t-shirts to highlight a logo. This is because a t-shirt is like a walking billboard that helps people around to sit up and take notice of the advertised brand. Here are some reasons why you should add t-shirts to your next marketing campaign:

1. They are inexpensive!

Place a bulk order for t-shirts at our store and you will end up spending only a few hundred dollars! The affordability associated with t-shirts makes them an indispensable marketing ally. Some recommended buys: Hanes® T-Shirt 50/50 (Colored), Port & Company® – Essential T-Shirt, and Gildan® Heavy Cotton™ Adult T-Shirt (Color). The offers available at our store will provide your business with extra savings!

2. They are long-lasting!

TV and print ads have a very short recall value period. T-shirts, on the other hand, are capable of lasting for years without significant wear and tear. One of our clients said that their customers still own t-shirts given away by them 5 years ago!  It’s this kind of eternal marketing prowess that provides t-shirts with high desirability value among marketers!

3. They can target a wide demographic

T-shirts are worn by all kinds of people, whether young or old, men or women! And there are a variety of tees available in the style of your choice! Choose tees you feel will help your brand connect with the target audience.

4. They can be given away at all kinds of events and functions

A strong advantage associated with t-shirts is the fact that it can be given away at any place, event or time of the year! They are light-weight and can be easily transported to the location of your choice for convenient distribution.

5. They offer impressive imprint area

The logo or message featured on a tee can never go unnoticed! People will definitely take a second look to understand which advertiser the logo belongs to. The tees will get noticed even more if they are chosen from our inventory – because we offer some of the best available in the market!

Launch a marketing campaign with tees as the central focus and you will be surprised at the amount of visibility your brand gains! Get in touch with us if you need advice on which t-shirts to go for. Our marketing team will work to ensure you gain advertising success soon!

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